Dec 17, 2017

Happy New Year 2018! says a Cancer Full Moon

As you've noticed by now, New Years' Day 2018 brings a Full Moon @11Can37 which spotlights the Sabian Symbol for '12Cancer': "A Chinese Woman Nursing a Baby with a Message."

Below is a rendition drawn some years ago to represent 12 Cancer, although the 'woman' in the word picture doesn't necessarily have to be depicted as Chinese--any nationality of mother or child, even Jesus Christ--may apply because the message is the message and 'the mother' can represent Planet Earth:

And thus it seems that the Cosmos has a message for us as 2018 begins--something related to the fulfillment-culmination stage of development (Full Moon) which was seeded at the last New Moon of December 18, 2017 @26Sag31 (exact at 1:30 am est and conjunct Galactic Center, now @27Sag03) so let's see what Rudhyar and Jones reveal about the symbol for 12 Cancer...

In An Astrological Mandala, Dane Rudhyar gives 12 Cancer this Keynote: "The revelation of latent worth in an experience once it is seen in its deeper meaning." The Keyword is..."REVELATION." Sounds like hindsight could be suggested here echoing back to the December 18, 2017 New Moon at Galactic Center. Perhaps a new space discovery? Or a novel astrological insight or realization? Environmental damage such as toxins? Some dastardly plan being hatched by politicians against We The People? (Please pardon that the Full Moon link, above, leads to Stars Over Washington where the January 1, 2018 Full Moon horoscope is set for DC for purposes of Political Astrology).

Then in his book The Sabian Symbols in Astrology, Marc Edmund Jones gives the positive and negative expressions of '12 Cancer' as, 'Positive: a gift for bringing the more Godlike resources or superior powers of self to a point of real community service'...and the 'Negative' (unconscious/shadow side--jc) expression as 'completely unreasonable demands for recognition.'

Well, since all Full Moons (or astrological Luna in general) can trigger publicity and public relations, it may be instructive to watch what's top of the news cycle on Monday December 18, 2017 and again on New Year's Day 2018 in case once again the Cosmos has a particularly enlightening message to share with Mankind as resource-hogging corporatists and others are busy destroying Planet Earth and the environment we depend on for sustenance. Mama!

And in case you missed it, expert astrologer Melanie Reinhart's article on Galactic Center and the Centaurs is a must-read!

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